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​​How to choose a live-in care provider

If you’re considering hiring a live-in care provider for a loved one, we’ve put together this guide to help explain the process of selecting and working with a caregiver. We understand that while this may not be a straightforward task, there are ways to make it easier – and it all starts with a well thought-out selection process.  

Consider your care needs

Before hiring a live-in care provider. You need to take into account the following: 

  • What type of support do you need? 
  • Do you require personal care, domestic support or both? 
  • How much support do you need? 
  • Are there any other specific requirements that you have, such as language needs or experience with a particular condition? 

Once you have considered your support needs, you can start to look for a live-in care provider. 

Look for providers that do background checks on their employees

Background checks are a must. If a provider does not conduct background checks, you may be putting yourself and your loved one in danger. You want to know that the people who are caring for your loved one are safe and trustworthy. While most agencies will provide this service for free, some do charge for it. The cost should be minimal compared to the peace of mind it brings—but if you find that no agency in your area offers background checks at all, consider looking elsewhere. 

Ask about their training and onboarding process

Discuss the training process with prospective providers. What is their training like? Are there clear guidelines for how they should conduct themselves around your loved one? How long does it take to go through this training, and how often will they be trained afterward? 

It’s also important to find out how frequently they review their policies. If a provider has an emergency plan in place, they should be able to tell you what happens if that emergency occurs while you’re away from home. Do they have a backup plan, such as keeping extra medications on hand or having someone on call who can handle immediate issues? All of these questions are important for determining whether or not this provider is right for your family. 

Get an idea of their services

Each live-in care provider will offer a different range of services and will charge different rates. It is important to get an idea of the services that are available and the associated costs before you make a decision. 

You can do this by: 

  • Asking for a breakdown of their services and charges 
  • Searching the internet for live-in care cost comparisons 
  • Checking with your local Area Agency on ageing for guidance 

Get references and reviews

When you have narrowed down your list of potential providers, it is important to get references from other families who have used their services. This will give you an idea of what to expect and whether or not they are likely to meet your needs. 

You should also check online reviews. A provider may have great references, but if their online reviews are poor, it’s a red flag. 

Look for a local team

When you’re considering a live-in care provider, it’s important to find one that is local to your area. This way, if there are any problems, you can easily get in touch with them. It’s also helpful to have someone local on hand in case of an emergency. Especially if your loved one needs to be hospitalised, it will be much easier for a local provider to arrange transportation than it would be for a provider who is based in another city or state. 

Check if there’s a wait time

You will want to find out how long you can expect to wait before being assigned a care worker. Some providers have a waiting list, so it’s important to ask about this upfront. You don’t want to be left without support if your loved one needs it immediately. 

Be sure to also ask about the length of time that each care worker is assigned to a family. You may want to request a specific care worker if they have been with the agency for a long time and have experience caring for people with your loved one’s condition. 

Choose the right live-in care workers to ensure your loved one has the best support

Live-in care providers can be a great option for seniors and those who are unable to live alone. They offer companionship, help with daily tasks and assistance with medication management. However, it’s important to choose the best provider for your loved one’s needs. Keep these tips in mind when selecting a caregiver to ensure you have the support you need in your home without the hassle. 

At myCare, this is exactly what we help you do.

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