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Your guide to home care visits

The home care industry is growing, and with good reason. More people than ever are living on their own and need help with daily tasks like bathing and dressing. At the same time, more seniors are staying at home rather than moving into assisted living facilities or nursing homes. 

Home care providers can provide many kinds of services to help your loved ones stay at home safely. They will check up on your family member’s health, bring them groceries and medications, or help them maintain a clean home environment if they aren’t able to do it themselves anymore due to an illness or injury.  

The most important thing you can do for yourself during this time is to learn as much about home care as possible so that you know what questions to ask when selecting a home care provider—and also how much help your loved one really needs. Keep reading for some tips on finding a great care worker who will make sure your loved one gets all the help they need while remaining in their own house instead of having to move elsewhere. 

What is home care?

Home care is a way to get help with daily tasks, such as bathing and dressing. It’s provided by a home care worker who visits you in your own home. 

They have specialised training to assist people with activities such as personal hygiene, grooming and medication management. They may also provide companionship for people who are housebound or lonely. Home care workers aren’t personal assistants – they’re trained professionals who can support you in many ways throughout the day. 

Home care, tailored to you and your needs

  • First, the care worker or representative from the care agency will assess your needs. They’ll ask you questions about your situation and determine what level of care would be suitable. 
  • Next, the care worker will discuss what’s needed with you, along with your family members or loved ones if they are present during this time as well. This is when everything gets agreed upon before any care begins (and sometimes things change if more information comes out). 
  • Lastly, after all this preparation is complete,the care worker will set about doing all of those tasks necessary for providing quality home care services. 

What is included in home care?

Services can include personal care, home help, meal preparation, transport, social support and respite care. Home care visits and services provide an important service for people who wish to remain living independently in their own home. They can also be an important source of support for families and other carers. Home care services are flexible and can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual. For example, home care services can be provided on a regular basis or as required. Home care services can make a significant difference to the lives of people who need assistance to live independently.  

What isn’t included in home care services?

While care workers do offer a home care service, it is not a substitute for medical treatment. If you need to see your doctor, you must call them directly and arrange an appointment with them. While they help as much as possible, it’s important that you take responsibility for your own health and wellbeing at all times. 

They also cannot prescribe medication or provide dietary advice on behalf of any external organisation or individual; this includes the NHS (National Health Service). You should always seek professional advice from a qualified healthcare provider if you have any concerns about any aspect of your health or well-being before taking any action yourself. 

What are the benefits of care at home?

  • Care at home lets you stay independent. If you can’t get out of the house, rest assured that you don’t need to move away from the comfort of your own surroundings. 
  • It also helps keep your health and safety in check. Your care worker will be there to help with any safety needs so that they’re addressed right away. 
  • The cost of caring for someone on their own can be steep, especially when it comes to costs—but with care delivered directly inside their homes, it’s more cost-effective and convenient. 

How we provide care during COVID-19

Our care workers wear personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times while caring for patients who are suspected or confirmed to be infected with COVID-19. PPE includes gloves, masks, protective eyewear and gowns. We also require that all members of our team sanitise their hands before entering patient rooms as well as between each patient visit. Our staff also adheres to government health protocols while working with patients infected by COVID-19 or who are suspected of being infected by COVID-19. 

Care at home could be the care solution you need

There are many benefits to care at home, including the ability to stay in your own home in an environment you know and love. We hope this guide has given you some insight into what all goes into providing home care visits for COVID-19 patients like yourself! Please call us at myCare today if you have any questions about our services or how we can help others find peace of mind during this difficult time. 

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