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The Importance of Mental Health for Care Workers 

Being a care worker is a career unlike any other, it can be the most rewarding job, giving opportunity to care for and build relationships with the most amazing people, but it can also be emotionally challenging through shift pattern working, deep relationships involved with the job, and even experiences of loss or grief if you say goodbye to a client. Add this to pressures out of the work environment, this is why some care workers find themselves facing challenges with their mental health – but there are steps that can be taken to avoid these problems as much as possible, and it is the role of a responsible employer to support where possible. Continue reading as we discuss why mental health for care workers matters and how you can best protect your well-being.

 For personalised advice, contact our team at myCare today. 

Why Mental Health Matters for Care Workers

 Working as a care worker can be a demanding experience. You can be confronted with all kinds of situations and obstacles, many of which can take their toll on your own well-being. Prioritising your mental health isn’t just for the sake of your own welfare, but for all aspects of your life. When you are in the best state possible, you are able to provide better levels of  care and support to your clients, and maintain a good work schedule without burning out. Your relationships with your clients, colleagues, employers/employees, family, and loved ones can all suffer when you are carrying the burden of your mental health alone. 

Mental Health and myCare

 As much as care workers should be encouraged to protect their own mental health, the duty isn’t the worker to safeguard their health alone. Any employer in the care industry needs to take practical steps to protect care workers and provide a safe working environment that isn’t going to burn them out or damage their well-being. Without this key support, care workers are left to handle the hard parts of their careers alone, leading to countless people exiting a job they cared deeply about early. So, what should you expect from an employer when it comes to your mental health?

Here at myCare, we have put several processes and benefits in place to ensure the well-being and long-term health of our staff teams.  A big part of this is our ongoing support and training, which is there to keep essential help readily available to everyone on our team. We have support systems in place to make sure our workers never feel alone when things get difficult, and we are constantly offering training and education to help better equip team members. Other facets of our approach to mental health include:

  • Health Assured Access
  • Free Counselling Support
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Great Pay and Employee Benefits
  • A Family Environment

Tips for Taking Care of Yourself

Here are some of the key steps you should be prioritising for the sake of your physical, emotional, and mental health:

  • Always get enough sleep
  • Be transparent with your employer about struggles or challenges
  • See a counsellor for extra support – myCare provide this service free of charge
  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Find time for exercise to take care of your body
  • Do something for yourself every day
  • Consider Mindfulness to take some time to focus on relaxation
  • Make time for your social life
  • Don’t hesitate to ask for help

Respite Care Services for Family Carers

Not everyone providing care is a ‘care worker’. For many people, this isn’t a professional matter – if you are caring for somebody in your family, you are bound to experience all kinds of stress and emotional exhaustion. Caring for somebody you love, whilst also juggling your personal life and maybe even a separate career, is an extremely challenging effort.

There is never, ever any shame in needing help. If you can feel your mental health suffering due to your role as a family carer, it is crucial that you give yourself the opportunity to recover. Otherwise, you may find yourself burning out and crashing in ways that won’t benefit anyone. 

This is where myCare can help – we offer respite care services to step in and take over, providing family carers a well-deserved break for however long they need. With our compassionate and bespoke care workers, you can trust that your loved one is receiving the level of care they deserve while you take some time to protect your own well-being.

Contact myCare to Discuss Further

 Are you a care worker looking for a work environment that will prioritise your health? Are you a family carer looking for a little extra support to protect your mental and physical well-being? myCare wants to help. We are passionate about the work that care workers do, and we have built a workplace structure that takes mental health seriously. If you have any questions about our respite care services or how to safely navigate a career as a care worker, our friendly team is always happy to answer questions. Reach out today to chat with a myCare staff member.

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