Finding Home Care Support 
When care is required, it can be a difficult and emotional time. There may be changes in health, function and capabilities, and stress can be at an all time high. At myCare, it is important to us that finding the right type of care for your particular situation is as easy as possible. We establish your needs and goals and create a plan that suits your needs.
Home Care FAQs
We are happy to provide care for anyone over the age of 18. We are registered to care for adults, however our current customer base covers a wide span of ages and support. From learning disability to dementia or a short term weekly shopping visit – there is no one size fits all.
We try to accommodate every request, within what’s legal and respectful of both a carer and a service user’s rights, and what is within the service agreements with the local authorities who we work in partnership with. Our carers cannot carry out nursing procedures including dressing of wounds, administering injections and any invasive procedures.
This will be discussed with our customers at the assessments. We will agree how long we think the visit may be and continue to monitor the visits to ensure that the person using the service and the care staff are satisfied.
You should read our client guide, which describes our services and how we devise a care plan together with the client and their family / advocate etc. The care plan is written with full input from our service users and family members. Our prices are fully inclusive based on the assessment carried out.
Costs will depend on the amount of support and the complexity of needs. There’s no one-size-fits-all and costs will be discussed at initial assessment stage. There are no ‘hidden / extra’ costs, we are always completely transparent and set everything out in an agreement prior to any service starting.
It is never too early to find out what options are available. This will help you to find the best quality care, arranging care at the best possible time and preparing for financing. Our team will be more than happy to talk you through the options available to you and guide you without pressurising in any way.
Yes. Services are available for as little as one hour up to 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
We have a process in place to make sure your loved one’s needs are assessed regularly and the Care Plan is adjusted accordingly. In addition there are opportunities for you to provide us with feedback so we can improve our services:
- Regular care plan reviews
- Quality control visits
- Reassessments
- Client Satisfaction Surveys
Self Directed Support
The Scottish Government believes everyone should be in control of their life. Some people need support to lead an independent life and advocacy to be empowered make important decisions about their life.
To achieve this the Scottish Government introduced The Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013. The Act came into force on 01 April 2014 and places a duty on local authority social work departments to offer people who are eligible for social care a range of choices over how they receive their social care and support.
Self-directed Support allows people, their carers and their families to make informed choices on what their support looks like and how it is delivered, making it possible to meet agreed personal outcomes.
Self-Directed Support (SDS), enables you to have more choice and control over the support you receive. In the past, your local council may have arranged your support package for you, but now Self-Directed Support gives you freedom of choice and allows you to choose how your support is provided, giving you and your family greater flexibility, choice and control over your support.
Self Directed Support FAQs
Everyone is eligible for Self-Directed Support and your council now has a duty to offer an option to you. If you are receiving social care and support for the first time then your council has to offer you Self Directed Support. If you are an existing recipient of home care and support then it will be up to the council to decide when existing customers are transferred to SDS.
It will be up to the council to decide when existing home care and support recipients are transferred to Self Directed Support.
Self Directed Support can be used to arrange any service that the council has assessed you as requiring, for example:
– To receive help in your own home for personal care and practical help
– Support with managing the household and paying bills
– Support in getting out and about in the community, such as social engagements, attending college / classes, to carry on with employment
– Assistance with accessing hobbies and interests or just to get out and about
– Respite care and short breaks
Option1. Direct Payments: A payment to allow you to arrange support to meet your agreed support plan outcomes. myCare can for example provide home care with dedicated Care Workers.
Option 2. Individual Service Fund: Where the council or a chosen provider such as myCare will hold the budget but you are in charge of how it’s spent.
Option 3. Local Authority ‘arranged’ support: The council arranges support on your behalf to meet your support plan outcomes. myCare can also provide this more traditional form of service delivery as well.
Option 4. A combination: A combination of the above options can also be used if you feel this provides the best solution.
If you would like further information about SDS, you can access the Scottish Government website at: www.selfdirectedsupportscotland.org.uk
Why Choose myCare?
The myCare team are trained, dedicated, and experienced in providing high quality care that is respectful and thorough. We are available at any time of the day and can assist occasionally or regularly depending on the specific needs of our clients and their families.
Our carers undertake frequent training to update their knowledge and skills, and we check in with staff, clients, families, and other support staff and health care professionals to identify any requirements or areas in which we can improve.
Keeping Connected With PASS
Our care involves the use of the PASS system. This allows us to improve our standard of care, strengthen accountability, and identify and manage operational efficiencies and risk.
PASS enables us to keep precise and detailed records and plans to facilitate high quality care and support that is reliable and trustworthy. This can involve features such as reporting medication administration, tracking schedules, and reviewing care provision.
The OpenPASS system provides access to relevant information such as patient notes and schedules for clients and nominated family members and friends. It also enables easy communication with carers.
Contact myCare Today
At myCare, we are dedicated to providing assistance to individuals with care needs and the people in their lives who are important to them. A key element of our support services is the personalisation of care to incorporate all requirements and work towards desired outcomes.
Call us to discuss your specific situation and goals and how we can help you.