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A Day in The Life of a myCare Care Worker – Meet Amanda 

Enhancing people’s comfort and quality of life and bringing peace of mind to their families is pivotal to our mission at myCare. We do this by delivering high-quality home care services to people who require personalised care in a professional and multi-faceted manner. Our diverse team of compassionate and committed care workers help us to bring this outcome to life. 

 Being part of such a compassionate and supportive care team can be highly rewarding and beneficial. If you are looking for a new opportunity to provide care within your community, expand your skills and knowledge, experience a rewarding profession, and be part of a fantastic team, myCare is keen to hear from you.

Working as a myCare care worker could be the change you are looking for. To find out what one day in the life of a care worker may look like, we chatted to myCare team member, Amanda. 

What Does a Day in Your Life as a Care Worker Look Like?

It’s 6 am when my alarm usually goes off. Many people may consider this early, but I don’t mind because I know I’m starting my day at 7am to assist my first client with personal care and breakfast support.  

My morning roster typically starts this way, though I do check the Pass app for any changes from the previous day before I leave. When I arrive to see my first client, I am often greeted with a smile and a happy ‘good morning’. We may chat about how she slept and what she has done since I saw her the morning before while I help her begin her day. When I have finished with my first client, I fill in my task notes and make my way in my car to my next client. Morning visits usually involve giving personal care, breakfast support, and medication, though some of my clients access medication by themselves.  

Talking is a big part of a visit, so you need to enjoy and understand how to engage with different people. Some people can be more reflective and quieter, while others are enthusiastic to share. As I have gotten to know the people I visit, I’ve heard about their lives, families, and friends, and some amazing stories of years gone by. Although my clients understand I have others to visit, I often hear ‘oh, just stay another few minutes.’ This makes me smile as I know they’re enjoying the time I’m spending with them. I always make sure I’m attentive to each person while I’m with them. 

 I see a variety of people in a day with a range of needs. Each visit usually lasts either 30 or 60 minutes. Sometimes changes to a client’s needs can happen, which I am informed about via the Pass app, and I often receive a call from the office as well. When the end of the day comes, I’m tired but I know that means I have given my best and hopefully made a difference. Judging by the smiles and thanks that I receive, I think I have. 

What Tasks and Activities Does Your Role Involve?

We provide tailored care, so many tasks in my role may vary from person to person. I assist clients with personal care such as showering, washing, drying, dressing, and applying creams. I have a couple of clients who love to have their hair washed and blow-dried, so I do this at least once a week. 

 I assist with breakfast or lunch, always giving my clients a choice of what they might like. For some people, support with medication may be part of their care plan. Other tasks can range from doing dishes, emptying bins, emptying and cleaning commodes, opening blinds, changing bedding, and similar jobs that can make someone’s day a little easier. Activities are usually carried out on social visits and can involve going for a walk, playing games like cards, or just providing some company and a friendly ear.  

What is Your Favourite Part of Being a Care Worker?

My favourite part of being a care worker is that it doesn’t feel like a job to me. Knowing I can make a difference in someone’s day is remarkable. The satisfaction and reward of seeing a smile or hearing my clients laugh is huge.  

What is Something About Care Work That People Might not Realise?

I think some people don’t realise there are people receiving care at home who might only see their carer and no one else. Having a care worker visit may mean even more to some people than having a shower safely or getting breakfast prepared. For them, a care worker can be a pivotal part of their day and even their life. 

In Your Opinion What is the Greatest Benefit of Accessing Care at Home?

 In my opinion, care at home allows dignity, continued independence, and maximum comfort. When asked what they want from the care they receive, most clients will say they want to remain at home where they belong for as long as possible.  

Working as a Care Worker can Benefit Many Lives, Including Yours. 

There are many reasons why people require care services, from increasing dependence because of age to chronic health conditions and disabilities. Providing personalised care to people in need can improve their day-to-day lives significantly by maintaining or improving their health, well-being, and independence. The benefits of care work may even extend beyond the service user because it can bring comfort to families as they know their loved one is looked after well.  

Being a care worker may feel like a calling for many people. Others may be pleasantly surprised after stepping into a field they had not considered. Assisting people with a range of needs means the care worker role has the potential to be a varied and important one that may make a significant difference to countless people’s lives.  

Whether you are interested in a new career or are an experienced care worker, we encourage you to contact us to find out how you may become part of the myCare team and experience the rewarding role of a care worker. 

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