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Leader Development and Career Pathways at myCare

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Aged and disability care is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the UK, and one that offers a variety of career pathways. While this is a sector that can be quite demanding and challenging, it’s also very rewarding and you can go home at the end of the day knowing that you’ve made a real difference in the lives of your clients and their families.

If you’re considering a career in care and want to learn more about the available career pathways and leader development opportunities we offer, you’ve come to the right place.

Whether you’re seeking home care services for a loved one or you are interested in pursuing a care career for yourself, the team at myCare is here to help – get in touch with our compassionate team today and learn more about what is possible.

Career Pathways

Working in home care – and at myCare in particular – offers many different opportunities for progressing your career. We are committed to helping our staff upskill and move forward in whatever direction they desire. Many of our care workers have gone on to become care practitioners, SVQ assessors, or even trainers.

A common carer career path could go something like this:

  • Come onboard as a care worker.
  • Then progress to being a team leader (who oversees care workers, as well as having their own clients to attend to).
  • Then undertake further training to become a specialist care worker in a chosen field (such as dementia or end-of-life).
  • Or undertake training to become a care coordinator (an office-based role responsible for organisation, coordination, and liaison).
  • Then progress into senior roles (such as deputy care manager or registered manager).

There is also the possibility to move into other roles that may be of interest, such as administration, finance, and even marketing.

Leader Development Opportunities

Many members of our team have been with us for 5, 10, or even 20 years! When we find good staff, we want them to remain here at myCare, which is why we’re committed to offering various leadership development opportunities.

We offer industry-leading training on an ongoing basis, as well as support those who wish to upskill and further their training.

Management Development Day

In late November 2024, we held a development day for our management team in Montrose. Managers, deputy managers, and team leaders came together to discuss strategies and operational plans for 2025, as well as our quality assurance strategy, and our new training program (which was launched at the end of last year).

As a part of the day, we also hosted an employee and customer engagement workshop where some fantastic ideas were shared – some of which we’re very excited to be taking on board this year!

  • Swap Shop
    This new initiative will enable staff and clients to list items they no longer want or need, either as a donation or to swap for something else – no money exchanged. A directory of available items will be produced and shared to make this process as simple as possible.

  • Winter Warriors
    We’ve added a new role to myCare in our Winter Warriors, whose job it is to assist and advise our front-line staff when concerns are raised regarding the welfare of our clients over the winter months. This new initiative provides staff with access to room temperature gauges so that they can ensure homes are warm enough, as well as donated warm blankets, bedding, and clothing for our most vulnerable clients. Our Winter Warriors work alongside government agencies to refer clients to benefit sources and voluntary organisations (such as Scarf and Age UK).

  • Budget Busters
    With the rising cost of living, this initiative provides staff with access to a range of money-saving ideas for preparing healthy home-cooked meals. We’ll be including recipes and updates on special offers, as well as sharing money-saving tips.

  • Forever Young, Forever Fit
    In this initiative, staff will be provided with some simple armchair exercise routines that they can use to help their clients stay mobile and active, which is very important for their health and wellbeing. These exercises will form part of our daily routines and care plans.

Apply to Join the myCare Team Today

If a career in home care sounds right for you, we’d love to have you on board at myCare. We are proud of our passionate and dedicated team, and seek to support them however they wish to progress in their careers.

Are these career pathways and leadership development opportunities exactly what you’re after? myCare would love to speak with you.

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